To celebrate the legacy of Raden Ajeng Kartini and her spirit, The Alana Solo is organizing "A Celebration: Alana Solo in Traditional Attire," in commemoration of Kartini Day this time.
This Kartini event kicks off with a batik-making activity in collaboration with Batik Semar, where every visitor can directly experience creating batik motifs with experts, while also getting to know the authentic batik motifs from Solo. It continues with the Roro Ngigel dance performed by LBK Erawati, which tells the story of a woman's journey into adulthood and ultimately finding her identity as an energetic and confident woman, in line with the spirit of Mother R.A Kartini. Following that, there's a career women parade featuring employees of The Alana Solo, and a talk show on "Optimizing appearance with healthy skin," featuring doctors from Eterniskin Solo.
In addition to various exciting activities that can be enjoyed during the event, visitors will also be delighted with numerous door prizes distributed while enjoying the provided refreshments. This Kartini Day commemoration is held at the Venice Lounge of The Alana Solo, starting from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM and is open to the public.